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Thanks to James Wilkins for today's mind-blowing dialog! James, of course, took the passage so great that it is the writing against which all other writing is measured.1

So far, BoxJam Mark 2.0 has been a huge artistic success, of course, and I know it's going to suck majorly when I actually have to draw a picture again, but here's the thing. My readership and cash flow haven't gone up exponentially. I've given it a (5-day) week tryout; that's fair, isn't it? By day 5 I should have had a cash cow on my hands. So I tell you what. To hell with BoxJam Mark 2.0. This weekend, I'm going to run my typical "Inconvenient Truth" fare, and then Monday, I'm launching BoxJam Mark 3.0!

1Literally measured, but still.


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BoxJam's Doodle is part of Keenspot Comics, home of the KeenBurger. Also lots of good comics. It is best viewed on an IMAX screen with SurroundSound stereo and sitting in those theater chairs that rumble. Man, those are cool. If you can't swing that, 1024x768 is good, 800x600 is passable. I promise nothing below 800x600.

This work is fiction. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, would be most pitiable indeed.

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