[[BoxJam and Ms. BoxJam sit at a table with a Scrabble board]]

BoxJam: The Mrs. and I used to play Scrabble all the time. We were GOOD.

Ms. BoxJam: Crane? Crania? Carnie?

BoxJam: Peruse? Usurp? Press? Recesses?

[[BoxJam and Ms. BoxJam with Boggle game]]

BoxJam: Now we have kids. We believe Boggle was invented for Scrabble lovers whose attention spans are gone.

Ms. BoxJam: Tip Pit Bit Bits

BoxJam: Tar Rat Tam ?r ?rs

[[Portrait of Shakespeare]]

Educational Note: Shakespeare made up words when he wanted. Because he was Shakespeare, they became real words. Nobody ever beat him in Scrabble.