BoxJam Voiceover: One day in 1998 all my parenting biorhythms were soaring, and I was in the parenting zone.
[[BoxJam rocks BoxJamina on a teeter seat with his foot while warming a bottle]]
BoxJam Voiceover: I knew when to make a bottle moments before it was needed. I had stimulating activity ideas to spare. My foot was rocking the teeter-seat without my conscious brain ever getting involved.
[[BoxJam rushes a towel under Little BoxJam's spilling drink while BoxJamina starts to whine]]
BoxJam Voiceover: I could smell when someone was about to start whining. Spills looked like they were happening in slow motion. It all clicked.
BoxJamina: Wh...
[[BoxJam stands triumphant, one foot upon a radio flyer wagon]]
BoxJam Voiceover: There will be thousands of days of parenting; I know that. But for 1 day in 1 household, I was as good as they come. Never let that be forgotten.