[[Two board game tokens have a conversation on a board game path]]
Red play figure: Yay! I got three gumdrops!
Green play figure: I got four!
Red play figure: Wouldn't it be nice if you only got three, too?
Green play figure: Um, I'm really supposed to get four.
Red: But it's not fair! You're getting more of everything!
Green: It's just luck! And for fun! This sort of thing doesn't bother big people like us!
Red: Yeah, but you're always lucky, and I <
Green: Oh, OK. Here. You have another gumdrop.
[[BoxJam, Ms. BoxJam, and Little BoxJam are all playing a board game]]
Little BoxJam: Don't do it, Mom! He whines his way through every game!
Ms. BoxJam: Someone stab me with a candy cane...
BoxJam (to Little BoxJam): You! Quiet!