[[An elephant and an ostrich look at each other]]
Narration: Though the ostrich from Nim got on well with him, the elephant said, "I'll do what I must if you harms the Quimms on this dust."
[[Closeup of the dust speck]]
Narration: "For the Quimms, though not large, have hearts with desire to fill a great barge. And if kill you I must, to do what is right, then kill you I shall, 'cause the Quimms and I are tight."
[[The elephant sits on the ostrich as the speck floats]]
Narration: But Horton still feared the ostrich meant to hurt the Quimms, so he sat on him as a pre-emptive [sic] measure."
[[Ms. BoxJam stares down BoxJam, who's walking out of a dark room with a childrens' book]]
Ms. BoxJam: That's not how I remember "Horton Loves the Quimm."
BoxJam: It was past bedtime.
Little BoxJam (from bedroom): Hey Bup! Excellent ending!
{{While this comic may seem like prescient satire, the fact is I just wanted to make a comic with the line "Horton loves the quim." Yeah, I'm about 13.]]