[[BoxJam and Ms. BoxJam sit against a pole. Ms. BoxJam is toying with a skein of yarn or a cat's cradle or something]]
BoxJam: You know how sitcoms'll have cute little kids on them?
Ms. BoxJam: Yeah...
BoxJam: And you know how, if the show lasts a few seasons, the kid outgrows his or her cuteness?
Ms. BoxJam: Yeah...
BoxJam: And you know how, even though the kid's a bad actor, they feel obligated to have an episode or two a season about that kid?
Ms. BoxJam: Sure...
BoxJam: And how, invariably, even though they've never mentioned it before and never will again, one show will be about the kid being in a band?
Ms. BoxJam: Mmm-hmm...
[[Ms. BoxJam's cat's cradle is getting more tangled]]
BoxJam: And you know how, they'll have a scene with the band playing, with a couple of fans trying to suggest a crowd?
Ms. BoxJam: Uh-huh...
BoxJam: And you know how the band sounds totally soulless?
Ms. BoxJam: Yep.
[[Ms. BoxJam has bound her wrists together]]
BoxJam: Man, that's the best...