Ms. BoxJam: Well, he's home from school today... He's got a fever and spots... I don't know what it is, though...
BoxJam: Does he like Armour hot dogs?
Ms. BoxJam: No, it might not be chickenpox, the doctor isn't sure what it is.
BoxJam: Did the doctor ask if he likes Armour hot dogs?
Ms. BoxJam: No, the doctor didn't ask if he likes Armour hot dogs...
BoxJam: What kind of doctor doesn't ask if you like Armour hot dogs?
Ms. BoxJam: Um... I think he said it's symptomatic of too many things - you could just be looking at a skinny kid or a kid who climbs on rocks... yeah...
BoxJam: Yeah, good point, I suppose...
Ms. BoxJam: Does every wife have to live with her husband's gross misconception of the world?