[[Ms. BoxJam converses with BoxJam, who is sitting on the couch watching television.]]
Ms. BoxJam: I just threw out some of our stuff, and now the trash is overflowing...
BoxJam: When I was a kid, I flipped oer the handlebars of my bike and cut my lip badly...
Ms. BoxJam: Uh-huh...
BoxJam: I got taken to the dentist - not the doctor - the DENTIST - and he gave me "half a stitch" to close the cut...
Ms. BoxJam: Mmm...
BoxJam: When you're a boy, a whole lot of status is tied up in how many stitches you got - I had a big, dumb puffy lip and HALF A STITCH - I still don't know what the hell that MEANS - it was worse than no stitches...
Ms. BoxJam: And this has to do with taking out the trash because...
BoxJam: If making me lug out my own stuff is an attempt to emasculate me, you're about 25 years too late...