Ms. BoxJam: The kids are asleep...get out your "Top 10 Things to do Before You Die" list...

BoxJam: Is it our annual "Take Stock of Your Life" day already?

Ms. BoxJam: Mine, of course, hasn't changed much since we had kids...of course, that used to be number one...we are saving up for we're likely to get either "go to India" or even "visit the Holy lands" checked off in the next couple of years if political situations improve...

BoxJam: there anything you want to replace, even though we haven't done it, because you've thought of something new you want on the list?

Ms. BoxJam: No...I know myself pretty well...the things I have on there are likely to stay until they get done...

BoxJam: OK, cool...I guess let's look at mine then...

[[Ms. BoxJam reads over BoxJam's list]]

Ms. BoxJam: This one about "own a minor league baseball team where there's a lake in center field and there's some seats in boats in the lake" is new, isn't it?

BoxJam: Yeah - a spot on the list opened up when I did "something cool with lava" on Wednesday...