[[Ms. BoxJam and the kids are doing the hokey pokey when BoxJam comes up to them]]
BoxJam: *sigh* Sometimes I just don't know... sometimes I think I don't even know what the hokey-pokey is about...
BoxJam yelling: Isn't there anyone who can tell me what the hokey-pokey is all about!?
Little BoxJam: Sure, Bup... I can tell you what the hokey-pokey's all about...
[[Little BoxJam walks away]]
Little BoxJam: Lights, please...
[[Little BoxJam is in a spotlight on a stage]]
Little BoxJam: You put your left foot in; you take your left foot out. You put your left foot in, and you shake it all about. You do the hokey-pokey, and you turn yourself around.
[[Little BoxJam walks back to his family]]
Little BoxJam: That's what it's all about, Bup...
BoxJam: Wow- suddenly I don't feel so bad about-
Ms. BoxJam (interrupting): You blockhead.