[[Ms. BoxJam is asleep and rolled over facing away from BoxJam, and BoxJam is sitting up in bed reading.]]
Ms. BoxJam: Stop snoring.
BoxJam: Huh? I'm not even asleep...
Ms. BoxJam: You were asleep, and loud as all get out. Stop it.
BoxJam: I fell asleep reading? I don't feel like I was asleep...
[[Ms. BoxJam looks at BoxJam.]]
Ms. BoxJam: There you go again! Please stop snoring!
BoxJam: But how could I be - oh, never mind.
[[Ms. BoxJam rolls back over. BoxJam gets out of bed.]]
[[Their boat.]]
[[From the boat.]]
[[BoxJam gets up from in the boat, with his mouth covered to prevent sound and answers the phone.]]
BoxJam: Mmmph?
Ms. BoxJam: PLEASE stop already!