[[Ms. BoxJam and BoxJam lie in bed talking to each other, Ms. BoxJam wearing a cow suit with a cowbell around her neck.]]

Ms. BoxJam: Sometimes I worry I'm not the actor I need to be for this role...

BoxJam: They picked you at the audition because they like you... You'll be great!

Ms. BoxJam: But what if they're wrong abut me? I've never had a big role, and nothing since high school!

BoxJam: You'll be great...

Ms. BoxJam: ...trying to be relatable to a human audience while remaining true to the role of a cow... I don't know how to do that!

BoxJam: You'll be great...

Ms. BoxJam: ...not to mention the song where I'm wearing a bustier... In front of hundreds of strangers!

BoxJam: You're a cow in a bustier?