BoxJam: My father sold comedy on the phone, as was the custom in his day... he started off just cold calling numbers in sequence...

BoxJam's Father: And pop tops... do they really 'pop'?

Phone: Well, kind of...

BoxJam: He made a sale on just his second call! He was truly a master of phone humor...

Phone: Yes, this is 111-1112... may I help you?

BoxJam's Father: Has a 'pay phone' ever paid you? I think not!

Phone: <>

BoxJam: You know how comedians will have a 'tag line' like "I kid you not," or "Don't get no respect?" So did my dad...

BoxJam's Father: Are hydrogen bombs lighter than regular atom bombs? You people make me sick!!

Phone: Um...

BoxJam's Father: Why aren't penny postcards a penny any more? You people make me sick!!

BoxJam: Unfortunately, he often had a hard time 'closing the deal.'