[[BoxJam and Ms. BoxJam have various words written on their muumuu's, which change from panel to panel]]

BoxJam: They make 'Nair' for men now!

Ms. BoxJam: How's it different from regular Nair?

[[BoxJam's muumuu words: _loth, intoler_, _stopia]]

[[Ms. BoxJam's muumuu words: Plen_, Arroga_, _nger, Separa_, Was_]]

BoxJam: It's for men!

Ms. BoxJam: Understood, but what is different between what's in that bottle and some other 'Nair'?

[[BoxJam's muumuu words: _ition, lac_, _aperance, Negl_]]

[[Ms. BoxJam's muumuu words: _lwater, _allas, _esville, Mem_, Wa_]]


[[BoxJam's muumuu words: Mia_, _pecial _ctims _it, Crim_ In_]]

[[Ms. BoxJam's muumuu words: _ophenia, Tomm_, _ids _ght, Art_]]

BoxJam: Men's hair is different!

[[BoxJam's muumuu words: Friga_, Clip_, _lleon, _oat]]

[[Ms. BoxJam's muumuu words: _acebo, Koszeno_, Mil Fai_, _nke, _ias, Arigato]]