[[BoxJam on the phone]]

BoxJam: Hi Bob! Listen - I've got a great idea for a new game called "baseball"...see, they throw a ball, and if it's not a good throw, it's called a "ball"...

BoxJam: Yes, that's right, a ball...what's so funny? Oh, I see...calling a ball a "ball"...ha ha...OK, anyway, so if it's good,--look, Bob, get over it...we can call it something else, I don't care...a "miss" or something...you with me?

BoxJam: So, if they swing but miss, it's a "strike"...yes, Bob, if they don't strike it, it's a "strike"...it's all very amusing...you're still laughing about the "ball" thing, aren't you?

Caption: The other side of a "Bob Newhart" phone conversation...