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Guest Artist Saturdays!

Today's guest artist spot, the first, is a collaborative effort. Three guys, who tell me that they're also web cartoonists, teamed up to try to capture the flavor of BoxJam's Doodle. Pretty good, guys! You might want to make the characters look more consistent from frame to frame, but I like it!

By the way, they also included links to their pages:
"Soap Your Rope"
"Prayer vs. Prayer" (maybe a Christian wrestling strip?)
Now, I haven't had time to check their sites out myself, but I bet they're pretty groovy. Why don't you give 'em a look?


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BoxJam's Doodle is part of Keenspot Comics, home of the KeenBurger. Also lots of good comics. It is best viewed on an IMAX screen with SurroundSound stereo and sitting in those theater chairs that rumble. Man, those are cool. If you can't swing that, 1024x768 is good, 800x600 is passable. I promise nothing below 800x600.

This work is fiction. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, would be most pitiable indeed.

Terms of Use: I reserve all rights on this material. It may not be redistributed in any form without my written consent.